email: lil-miles at
IM: cmlthug

My name is Carrah, I'm a fifteen year old trumpeteer from Texas. Um, I'm half filipino, half plain ol' American, and I enjoy watching squirrels, long walks on water, and 'boners. (For you non-bandos out there, 'boners=trombone players) Let's see, I've been dating the same guy off and on for the past two and a half years (love you jeff!) and he's great. For more, see the survey below:

x. name = Carrah
x. birthday = September 11, 1987
x. piercings = Ears only
x. tattoos = heh- i wish
x. height = 5' 1.5"--5' 2"
x. shoe size = 8 1/2
x. hair color = um... currently a really dark auburn

x. you have a bf or a gf = yes
x. you have a crush on someone = well, i would assume that if i have a boyfriend, i would have a crush on him as well
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = always
x. you think about suicide = no
x. others find you attractive = i think i'll leave that for others to answer
x. you want more piercings = yes
x. you want more tattoos = seeing as i have no tattoos, and would like one, then yeah, i guess i do
x. you drink = no
x. you do drugs = not at all
x. you like cleaning = who on earth answers yes to this question?
x. you like roller coasters = most of them
x. you write in cursive or print = print most of the time

For or against...
x. long distance relationships = for
x. using someone = against
x. suicide = against
x. killing people = against
x. teenage smoking = against
x. doing drugs = against
x. premarital sex = ehm- well, that depends on whether it's a one night stand/not serious relationship, or a relationship where you know you're going to get married
x. driving drunk = against
x. gay/lesbian relationships = i could care less, as long as they aren't shoving their lifestyle down my throat

x. food = Pasta
x. song = Gershwin's "Rhapsody In Blue"
x. thing to talk about = um... anything remotely intelligent.
x. sports = does Marching Band count?
x. drinks = Strawberry Coke
x. movies = Catch Me If You Can
x. bands = i don't really have a favorite band.
x. holiday = Valentine's day
x. cars = Mustang. as for what i want when i get my license, a three door Ford F150- you know, the ones with the backseat in the cab, and that door that opens from the inside on the passenger side... in black.
Have you...
x. ever cried over a girl/ boy = yes
x. ever lied to someone = yes
x. ever been in a fist fight / arrested = um... well, i haven't been arrested, but my sister and i have been in a fist fight

x. are you thinking of = Jeff
x. purfume do you use = Happy
x. you hate the most= complete silence